UltraSparc T2 launch: [keanu] Whoa! [/keanu]
August 7th, 2007
I know this isn't really Java related, but I just got an email that Sun's UltraSparc T2 launched today. Even though I'm not a hardware guy and I've forgotten most of my CompE classes from college, I'm still interested in the changing state of the art chip design.
Want to get paid to work Flying Saucer?
August 1st, 2007
It's not often that I see offers to pay someone to do a contract job on an open source project, with all of the code contributed back to the project. I know lots of people who work on particular projects full time as part of their job (myself, for example), but rarely do I see a direct offer of payment to have someone implement a particular feature. Perhaps the fact that I've never seen it on my projects means that my projects are perfect! :)
Java FX updated, and a visit to the future of client Java
July 20th, 2007
Open JFX updated
OpenJFX, the open source version of Java FX, was just updated. It has lots of improvements and demos, but the biggest thing is the first compiler, which will compile Java FX Script directly into bytecode rather than interpreting it. This is huge, because it makes FX Script a first class Java language, as well as being several orders of magnitude faster than interpretation.
Flying Saucer R7 is out
July 14th, 2007
The Flying Saucer team is proud to announce that we have just released version R7 Final.
A Response to GUI Building: tool vs hand coded
June 14th, 2007
The debate of hand coding your GUI screens versus using a tool has come up again. I suspect that Stuart wasn't expecting quite the volume response that he got. For some of you this is old hat and I suspect we aren't going to come to any conclusions here. I would like to say one thing, however. We need to split issue into two separate items that are actually independent, though related.
Problem and solution for compiling NetBeans on Mac
May 17th, 2007
What follows is a particular problem I had compiling NetBeans on my Mac and my solution to it. I'm putting this in my blog not so much for my readers but for the future generations of Google travelers who may stumble across this same issue.
Glossitope BoF slides
May 15th, 2007
Due to a deluge of requests (both of them) here are the slides for our Awesome BoF 5000.
JavaOne: Another One is Done
May 11th, 2007
It's Friday morning and I'm watching the James Gosling keynote from the bean bags in front of the big screen. I'd say this was the most exciting JavaOne I've ever been too. We really saw desktop Java in full force. Perhaps we shouldn't call it desktop anymore, since a form of Java SE is going to be available on phones and other non-desktop computers. So really this was the JavaOne for client Java. Since I've spent most of my professional career pushing the limits of desktop Java I'm very excited about the possibilities of doing cool things on phones and TVs.
AB5k has a new name, and a JavaOne contest
May 10th, 2007
The AB5k team is proud to announce that we are changing names to Glossitope. We have a new website up at www.glossitope.org where you can download new builds, see our promotional video, and play with the new graphical effects we built for JavaOne.
AB5k has a new name, and a JavaOne contest
May 9th, 2007
The AB5k team is proud to announce that we are changing names to Glossitope. We have a new website up at www.glossitope.org where you can download new builds, see our promotional video, and play with the new graphical effects we built for JavaOne.
JSR 296 Session Success
May 8th, 2007
Another quick update. Hans and I did our session on JSR 296 today and it was a huge success. We were completely packed, over 500 people I think!
NetBeans day success
May 8th, 2007
Hey guys. Real quick. I just thought you'd like that we (the NetBeans GUI Builder team) showed Open Street Maps on stage at CommunityOne in front of about >400 people. We did a demo where we built a database application live on stage that combines famous sites in London with photos from WikiPedia and the JXMapKit running Open Street Maps. And we did the whole thing with only a single line of actual code. Everything else was visually assembled in less that 5 minutes. I told the audience that we were using OSM which is "literally created by guys on bikes with GPS trackers. It's amazing". Everyone was very impressed. We'll have screencasts up once we finish JavaOne.
Beans binding rocks!
May 3rd, 2007
I was working on one of our NetBeans demos for Monday's Matisse session and it occurred to me. I was actually having fun putting together a little program! I grabbed some of our cool little beans from SwingLabs then wired them up to some text fields using zero code. Just binding expressions created visually using NetBeans M9. It was really easy and kinda fun. Beans binding makes the beans we've assembled in SwingX-WS in particular a whole lot more useful.
Too busy to blog
April 25th, 2007
I've been too busy to blog for the past couple of weeks. Sadly this will continue for two more weeks until JavaOne begins. Don't worry, though. It's all in a good cause as you will see some great things shortly. In the meantime I leave you with a quick comic that actually made me laugh out loud.
Too busy to blog
April 25th, 2007
I've been too busy to blog for the past couple of weeks. Sadly this will continue for two more weeks until JavaOne begins. Don't worry, though. It's all in a good cause as you will see some great things shortly. In the meantime I leave you with a quick comic that actually made me laugh out loud.
Back from the demo
April 9th, 2007
It was completely exhausting but it went quite well. Just to catch you up, last week I drove nine hours down to Santa Clara, CA to spend three days working on my demo then show it to the demo people. Here's how it works:
Back to the Bay
April 1st, 2007
I'm heading back to the bay area this morning for a couple of days to take part in our annual Java One demo preview. This is when we each pitch our own Java One demos in a heated Java battle royale (tm) for one of the coveted few spots in the keynotes. I think you'll be happy with what I've put together. Wish me luck!
Yahoo Widgets 4 is released
March 22nd, 2007
Yahoo Widgets 4 was just released today and I must say it looks pretty cool. They added a dock mode with mini-widgets and auto-widget updating. Part of me is frustrated because this is one of the things we have that they didn't until today.
AB5k Widgets in Depth
March 21st, 2007
Well it's been two weeks since AB5k was released and the response has been, well, interesting. Some people really love it. Others have complained it's slow and buggy (which it is), and still others ask "why make another widget system, but this time in Java?". We got somewhat panned at JavaLobby in particular. So, two questions to answer: too early and why Java?
Back from the Java Posse Roundup
March 18th, 2007
Now that I've had a week to recuperate, and heal from my poor attempts at snowboarding, I can tell you about where I was the week before last. From the 5th of March to the 9th I was in Crested Butte Colorado for the Java Posse Roundup.