Posse Brain Dump: JavaDocs from the year 2020
March 14th, 2007
At the Java Posse Roundup last week we had some wonderful evening sessions called Lighting Talks. During these sessions each participant had 5 minutes to give their entire presentation. This necessitates, of course, brevity and clarity above all. And of course, since this was the evening, we were all sitting around munching on BBQ, drinking beer, and laughing away during the proceedings. So in short, it was a lot of fun. Some of the talks were Java related at all. Ido Green from Yahoo introduced us to the sport of orienteering and Joe Nuxoll from the Java Posse gave several presentations about the physics of race car driving. Fascinating stuff.
Quick updates: Desktop Matters, Java Posse Roundup, AB5k, and more
March 12th, 2007
I got back from the Java Posse Roundup yesterday. Due to complications with my flights I was forced to spend an annoying Saturday night in a hotel in Denver. Still, the conference overall was worth it. I've got a bunch of things to share with you over the next few days so I'm just going to give you a few quick updates today.
AB5k: our all Java widget system is released
March 7th, 2007
I'm attending the Java Posse Roundup right now and won't have a chance to post in detail about this until next week, but since the news is out I wanted to make sure I let you all know what's up.
My Java One Talks
March 3rd, 2007
Just a quick post as I'm rushing to be ready for the Java Posse Roundup conference next week.
Netbeans M7 and the amazing new Web Start plugin
February 27th, 2007
Milestone 7
Milestone 7 of NetBeans 6.0 recently came out and I tried it out for the first time today. Now I know what you are thinking: "Don't you work on NetBeans? Don't you work for NetBeans?!" Well yes, I do. But I'm working on a branch that hasn't migrated to the 6.0 codebase yet. It will in the future (and I'll have blogs on it) but for now what I see every day looks pretty much like NetBeans 5.5. Trying M7 is my first taste of NetBeans of the future (other than my own highly excellent work, of course. but more on that later :) .
Tricked out maps and a new tile provider.
February 22nd, 2007
In previous blogs I introduced the JXMapViewer and JXMapKit, all part of the SwingX-WS project. We're still working on improving these classes and have more good stuff coming. I recently added support for non-rectangular maps, which makes the 1:2 Blue Marble map tile properly. I also added variable size tiles which allows the JXMapKit zoom out further. These are all nice improvements, but don't really matter if mapping isn't important.
First release of JSR 296
January 30th, 2007
Hans just announced the first prototype implementation of JSR 296, the Swing Application Framework. I'm very excited about this because it will make Swing applications a lot easier to build and more maintainable. I'm even more excited because we will have top notch support for JSR 296 in NetBeans 6.0. I know this because I'm one of the developers working on it.
Free Projects Part 4: an LCD Controller
January 19th, 2007
My sincere apologies. I completely forgot to post the code from the last free project, sketch pad, so here it is. I also forgot that I have one more project to give away, one very different than anything else I've ever done. This one involves some hardware.
Tag! I'm it
January 4th, 2007
Some of you may have seen the five things you don't know about me meme going around. The idea is that someone tags you, you post to your blog five interesting things that people don't know about you, and then you tag five more people who must do the same. Romain Guy got it a few days ago and linked to me, so now it's my turn.
Rockin' 2007
January 2nd, 2007
Well, the new year has come and my vacation is over. I the last three weeks I gave a way a bunch of projects, released the JXMapViewerApplet, I had my entire family fly to Oregon from all over the country, and got married to the beautiful Jennifer Greenup. I even got to stop for some coffee (see photo below). Not bad for a supposed vacation.
A Mapping Christmas Present
December 22nd, 2006
You may get several Christmas presents this year so I'd like to give you all mine first. Best to be early than late and forgotten. :) You can scroll down to the screenshot and link if you want, but if you prefer some delightful Christmas suspense begin reading here. You might want to grab some egg nog first. In fact, adding a splash of rum might help too. We've got a lot to go through.
Subversion Support in NetBeans 5.5
December 18th, 2006
I've been so busy with NetBeans 6.0 work that I haven't commented at all on NetBeans 5.5. We just went final about a month ago and had a big party in Prague. 5.5 is a big release, though most of the work is under the hood or on the server side and being a client side developer it doesn't affect me much.. The new Visual Web Pack is pretty nice though. There is one feature, however, that I am really excited about and that I use every day. Subversion support. With NetBeans 5.5 you can download Subversion support through the Module Update center, and it will be built in to NetBeans 6.0. So let's dive in. What is Subversion anyway?
Free Projects Part 3: SketchPad
December 4th, 2006
Last week's project
So far the response to my free projects has been positive. There was a question about why I put the strange requirement of having to create a project to get the code. The simple reason is because I thought it was funny. I have no way to enforce that anyone does anything with the code. As with all of my open source work, I simply hope that something useful comes out of the effort I put in. So if you like the code just drop me an email saying so. That's really all. And with that, here is the code to the stacked editor.
Free Projects Part 2: the Stacked Image Editor
November 27th, 2006
The Stacked Image Editor
The Stacked Image Editor is a little program I wrote and posted on my blog a year and a half ago. It is used to draw a certain kind of diagram very easily. In this case, I had a need to show something composed of layers, with each layer broken out visually so you could see how they stacked. I was learning more about how the hardware accelerated affine transforms worked at the time so it seemed like a good example app. You just add images as layers. The app will draw them sheared on an angle with transparency so you can see each layer distinctly. Once you've tweaked all of the settings you can save the whole thing out to an image.
Free Projects Part 1: a Screen Capture Uploader
November 20th, 2006
Screen Capture Uploader
The Screen Capture Uploader, released under the ominous name of Big Brother, is a simple program that runs on your desktop taking screenshots every few seconds, then uploading them to a server. The server then allows you to embed the screenshot, or a thumbnail, in your homepage.
Posting from 30k ft: Cool Projects, Free to a Good Home!
November 17th, 2006
Posting from 30k feet over north eastern Canada
Yes, I'm flying back from Prague today and we have wifi here on the Lufthansa aircraft. It's both expensive and power draining but amazingly it actually works. I don't know if should call it the coolest thing ever or scream because they have now taken away the only completely network free time left to us. sigh The march of technology, I guess. At least until the battery runs out.
Musings on the new opportunities that Open Source Java brings
November 12th, 2006
I have often said that I don't love Java because I'm at Sun. I'm at Sun because I love Java. I love Java so much that I wanted to work at a place where I can do the most good for the Java community, and Sun is definitely that place. Now that Java is open source I think it means only good things.
A nice Java evening with sour cherry beer
November 12th, 2006
After a several hour trek through Prague Castle and the Cathedral I arrived back at my hotel with around 400 photographs. It's going to take a while to go through them but here are some highlights.
My first two weeks at Netbeans
November 9th, 2006
Greetings from Prague. I've been at Netbeans for about two weeks now and it's been quite a busy time. I think I'm really going to like it here. Everyone is very friendly, the city is beautiful, and they have excellent and cheap beer (cheaper than soda!). I know you are all busy, so for the speed readers in the group I've bolded the important bits.
A quick intro to HttpClient
November 1st, 2006
The following is a techtip I wrote which wasn't used. Since I turned out pretty well I thought I'd post it here. Let me know what you think. Would you like more of these small self-contained tips?