Getting ready for JavaOne: The Day of the Desktop
Well. Here I am getting ready for my first real JavaOne. Actually, I attended back in 1999 and had the rare fortune to see Douglas Adams speak, but this is the first time I will be speaking as an author and attending as a Sun employee. It's going to be exciting. And since most Java developers can't attend JavaOne (where would they all sit?) I expect these blogs to light up like a Christmas tree during the next week. There's going to be all sorts of cool stuff going on, but don't just pay attention to the highlights. Some of the best things will be in the BoFs, smaller sessions, and especially the simple person to person talks over a good beer. (This is what we called P2P in the old days before they invented music, computers, and light.)
I'm personally excited about this JavaOne because I feel like my passion, Java on the Desktop, is finally coming into it's own. Somehow the twin worlds of desktop and web software are colliding right at the time Java's desktop features and performance are getting really, really good. I don't know what it all means (perhaps next week will shed some light on the subject), but it can only mean good things for desktop Java developers.
I'm going to be at the conference all week, so if you see me be sure to say hi. My big presentation on Swing Hacks with Chris will be Wednesday at 4:00 in Hall E, rm. 135. The rest of the time I'm likely to be in the JDIC or JDNC/SwingLabs booth answering questions, showing off our new demos, and getting ideas. I will be posting from my iBook throughout the week as often as I can, plus taking notes for the future. If you have any questions, ideas, or just want to chat, then please drop by. We'll be waiting!
- Josh
Posted June 24th, 2005