Preparing for Tokyo

I'm spending today packing for my exciting trip to Japan this week. Yes, I managed to wrangle a trip to JavaOne Tokyo, where I will be speaking on Java 2D performance, Swing layout, and helping out with the Peabody booth.

I have never been to Japan so this should be an interesting trip. I know that the far east is very different than Europe. When I went to Italy last year I could at least recognize the alphabet. In Japan I won't even be able to street signs. It's supposedly like going to another planet. And I'm afraid my pidgin french isn't going to be very useful.

Fortunately I will be attending the conference with several experienced Japan travelers, so that will make things a bit easier. It should be an interesting week of seeing the sights and helping developers on the other side of the world get the most out of Java.

I have no idea where I'm going, but with my new camera at least I'll know where I've been.

I'll have reports throughout the week, so stay tuned.

- Josh

Talk to me about it on Twitter

Posted November 5th, 2005
