A nice Java evening with sour cherry beer
After a several hour trek through Prague Castle and the Cathedral I arrived back at my hotel with around 400 photographs. It's going to take a while to go through them but here are some highlights.
After the castle I had dinner with Sébastien Letélié and Doug Matthews, two Java developers who live here in Prague and contacted me through my blog. We got a chance to discuss the latest developments in Netbeans and open sourcing Java, as well as the history of the Hapsburg Empire and the fall of the communists. This discussion was aided by glasses of local sour cherry and coffee pivo (the Czech word for beer) I must say that no matter where I have gone, members of the Java community have been funny, intelligent, and very friendly. Perhaps Java really is the universal language. Thanks for a great dinner guys.
That's it for this weekend. I'll have more to write next week.
- Josh
Posted November 12th, 2006
Tagged: java.net