AB5k has a new name, and a JavaOne contest
The AB5k team is proud to announce that we are changing names to Glossitope. We have a new website up at www.glossitope.org where you can download new builds, see our promotional video, and play with the new graphical effects we built for JavaOne.
We are also holding a developer contest so that everyone who can't come to JavaOne can still participate in our BoF session Thursday night. All you have to do build your own widget and submit it to our new web gallery. We will show the widgets on stage at our session and let the attendees vote on the best. The top three winners will receive cool new Glossitope T-Shirts in the mail. If you are actually attending JavaOne then please come by our BoF 1575, Thursday at 9:55, in MC North Mtg Rm.
Thanks: Josh, Robert, and the rest of Glossitope Team
I've fixed the links on the site. You should be able to try out Glossitope now. To submit a widget you must register on the site. If it doesn't work then just email me the widget at joshua at marinacci dot org.
- Josh
Posted May 10th, 2007
Tagged: java.net