A Response to GUI Building: tool vs hand coded
The debate of hand coding your GUI screens versus using a tool has come up again. I suspect that Stuart wasn't expecting quite the volume response that he got. For some of you this is old hat and I suspect we aren't going to come to any conclusions here. I would like to say one thing, however. We need to split issue into two separate items that are actually independent, though related.
We like to say it's a matter of writing your GUI by hand using GridBagLayout (which is the one layout manager always discussed) vs. using an proprietary opaque visual tool like NetBeans GUI Builder or Apple's Interface Builder (even more opaque). I think this is wrong. There are distinct issues here that should be handled separately.
Visual Tool vs Hand Coding
First there is the issue of using a visual tool instead of hand coding your GUI. I think there really is nothing to decide. Laying out your GUI is a visual task. Use a visual tool! End of story. I wouldn't design a newsletter without a visual tool like Quark Express. I wouldn't edit photos without a visual tool like Photoshop. Why should I design my GUI without using a visual tool like NB? That's madness!
Now notice I didn't say that you have to only use a visual tool. It's perfectly acceptable lay out your GUI initially using NetBeans and then add tweaks afterwards. In fact, I do this all the time. NetBeans will create an uneditable method initComponents()
called from your form's constructor. initComponents()
does the initial layout but you can then customize it however you like after that. You've got field references to every component. You can use them to do all sorts of cool things like adding painters, tweaking the layout of certain components, changing defaults, adding bindings, and pretty much anything else you want to do with hand code. It's not one or the other. You can use hand code and the GUI builder.
But what about the noneditable code? It's too complicated to understand! Why yes, that's right. It is complicated (though actually fairly straightforward, if verbose). However, you are never supposed to edit that code. That's why it's in an noneditable block! :) The form XML file is the definitive representation of your GUI. The generated code is simply an implementation detail with a few nice side benefits (like not needing to have NetBeans running to compile your code with Ant). We could just as easily generate bytecode directly and never show you the Java at all. Or we could parse the XML at runtime instead of compile time. You should never have to deal with that generated code just as you should have to directly deal with the bytecode generated by javac
Proprietary vs Standards based
This is the other big thing I see mixed up in the hand code vs GUI builder issue, but it is an entirely separate issue from the previous one. I agree that standards are better because you do not want to be locked into a tool. Imagine you tried to move away from Visual Studio for your .NET apps. You'd find it pretty difficult to modify VS's form files. But the solution here is not to throw away visual tools. The answer is to use a tool that saves in an open and hackable format, preferably with open tools.
NetBeans is an open source product (and has been for many years). The GUI builder (formerly called Matisse) has even been ported to Eclipse. The form files generated by NetBeans are straight forward XML files that are actually pretty easy to modify by hand when necessary. So you can see that NetBeans's GUI builder is not the lock-in with proprietary specs that some people might think it is. It's actually quite open and hackable.
So we have reduced the problem to one a lot smaller. The only downside to NetBeans GUI builder is that it's not a standard format, meaning it hasn't been documented and there is no DTD. The format could change in the future as we add new features. Opening up the form.xml format would be a great thing. This is an issue we are aware of and hope to address in a future release of NetBeans. [Disclaimer. I'm not the keeper of the NetBeans roadmap and I'm not saying that we have immediate plans or that it's scheduled for NB 6.0 (it's not). I'm simply saying that it is on our horizon and something we would like to do. Everything in this post is my opinion only.]
So I hope I have split the issue successfully into manageable parts and cleared up some misconceptions (you'd be surprised how many people aren't aware the form files exist and think that NetBeans would read back their changes if only they could edit the 'blue' code blocks). Please send us you feedback. We really do listen and we really do want to hear what the community wants.
Thanks, Josh
Posted June 14th, 2007
Tagged: java.net