My First Screencast: Visually build an RSS reader using NetBeans 6
With NetBeans 6 beta 2 out (and the final version going into High Resistance-"thou shall not break things" mode) I thought it might take the opportunity to show you some of the cool things you can do with it. I am a client guy, of course, so I'm very excited by the new features we've built to let you create and deploy desktop applications easily and quickly. I also wanted to try experimenting with screencasts. Since development of client apps is so visual I think a visual way of explaining them is good. This is my first screencast so please provide feedback of what you like and don't like.
The key to getting the most out of the new client tools in NetBeans 6 is the use of beans. Not just visual beans like Swing components, but also non-visual beans. When you wrap your functionality up as beans you can visually attach them together very easily.
In this screencast I will show you how to use a simple RSS reader bean to build a feed reading application with almost no code. The screencast is 12 minutes long, but I could build and deploy the app in about 4 minutes if I wasn't talking. That's how productive NetBeans 6 can make you.
Visually build an RSS reader with NetBeans 6, by Josh Marinacci
Here is the NetBeans project with all of the source and support jars.
Posted November 2nd, 2007