Upcoming Java and JavaFX Events you should attend
Travel, travel, and more travel.
Between many FX related meetings, tech conferences, the holidays, and my wife's travel, I have been in an airport about once a week since June. Clearly whoever said technology would remove the need for travel never had to work on JavaFX. I'm sure technology will abolish travel one day, though, just as offices no longer use paper. :)
So in case you are interested in traveling as well, here are some Java and Java related events coming up, including some featuring me.
Sun Tech Days: March 4th-6th, Sydney, Australia.
Yes, I'm heading to the land down under to talk about JavaFX and NetBeans. James Gosling and Bob Brewin will also be there. I've even done a video promo for the event that should be up soon. Since this is my first trip to the southern hemisphere I'm taking a few extra days after the conference for some much needed vacation. Since I live in Oregon the thought of summer sunshine was more than enough incentive to rope me into a 20 hour plane trip.
Oh, and if you live in Australia but can't get to Sydney, click on the link above anyway. We will have satellite events in several other cities.
The Java Posse Roundup: Crested Butte, CO. March 4th-7th
I can't attend this year's Roundup since I will be in the aforementioned land down under, but I'll be there in spirit. Last year's event was incredible and intense. Oh, and the skiing was pretty good too. This year the topic is DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself. If you aren't in Australia you should come to this event.
JavaFX Boot Camp: Indianapolis on April 9 - 11
James Weaver, JavaFX coder extraordinaire, is hosting an intensive bootcamp to learn JavaFX. I believe that this is the first non-Sun JavaFX related event, which is pretty cool. Sadly I can't attend this conference since I'll be in JavaOne prep mode, but I'm sure it'll be fun.
JavaOne 2008: San Francisco, May 6-9th
And of course the granddaddy of all Java events is JavaOne. I have 2.5 sessions accepted this year so I'll be seeing you all there in early May. We've got tons of cool stuff coming. It's really amazing what's happened in the year since last JavaOne and we can't wait to show you. Betas for the JavaFX Script compiler, the scenegraph, hardware accelerated effects, HTML, and the Java 6 Update 10 are all converging upon JavaOne. And of course cool demos of everything. Oh, and we just might have a few other things up our sleeves. Be sure to refresh your blogs if you can't make it in person.
Community One, May 5th
Though JavaOne is rather pricey, the day before it starts (Monday May 5th) we will have a free event focusing on open source technologies like Java, NetBeans, and Open Solaris. It's called Community One and space is limited so sign up early.
So get your walking boots on. It's going to be a busy spring.
Posted February 11th, 2008
Tagged: java.net