24 hours later
Whew! Our launch of the JavaFX Preview SDK yesterday went pretty well. Only a few broken links which have since been fixed. After waking up at 5:30 am to turn on the new sites I spent most of the day monitoring weblogs and answering questions. It was a pretty good turnout, with most developers reacting positively to the SDK. Here's a quick rundown of things you might have missed.
Along with the SDK itself we have launched a new Java and JavaFX Podcast, available from iTunes.
I recorded a podcast interview with RIA Weekly, where we covered the new SDK, thoughts about the future of RIAs, and the exact state of Seattle.
If you already have the latest NB and just want the FX plugin you can install it right from within NetBeans. This was broken earlier this morning but is working now. Instructions are here.
You may not have noticed it, but the SDK comes with a new style of JavaDocs. You can see a live copy here on JavaFX.com. I'll talk more about what went into to these new style docs next week.
We've updated our version of Bubblemark to reflect the latest speed improvements. Try it for yourself using bitmap or vector artwork.
That's it for now. I'm going to go sleep for a while!
Posted July 31st, 2008
Tagged: java.net