OSCON 2013: What do you want to see?
The call for proposals for OSCON 2013 just went out. OSCON is the one conference I try to speak at every year because the topics are so diverse and interesting. And being just up the road in Portland doesn't hurt either. However, I'm having trouble deciding what to submit. Too many things interest me. So I thought I'd consult the wisdom of the crowd. What do you want to see?
I plan to submit an update to my 3 hour HTML Canvas workshop since it is still a very relevant technology. It has been my most popular session, however, I don't just want to rehash what I did the last two years. What new things would you like to see? A game engine? Graphing algorithms? UI toolkits? More on Audio and Input?
Even if you don't plan to attend OSCON, the Canvas talk may still be relevant to you. The content from these sessions has turned into my popular open source ebook HTML Canvas Deep Dive. The book accounts for 75% of the hits on my blog, making it the most popular thing I've written by far. Any updates for OSCON 2013 will go into a new edition of the book.
I'm also open to other topics that fall within my area of expertise. The internet of things? Arduino hacking? Mobile app design? Usability? I'll even consider some Java stuff if that's what you want. What are your burning topics for 2013?