Electron 0.3 Released
I’m happy to announce the release of Electron 0.3. While there are a few under the hood improvements, the big news is a *brand new user interface*. We’ve rewritten the UI from scratch using Angular JS. This will make Electron more stable and easier to improve in the future.
New UI features:
* a proper file browser on the left, with collapsing folders * collapsing resizable panels. * New dialogs to search for boards and libraries * new fonts (Source Sans Pro, Source Serif Pro, and Source Code Pro) * proper multiple tabs for editing source files
Boards and Libs
The data repo has added support for
* Adafruit Trinket & Gemma, * Flora, * timer libs * Arduino Yun * Esplora * DigiSpark Tiny / Pro (buggy) * Fio
Broken Stuff A few things that worked before are now broken, so be aware:
* serial console (filled with mockup text) * docs viewer (filled with mockup text) * '+'/'-' buttons for creating/deleting sketches
Thanks to contributors:
* Alan Holding * Nick Oliver * Walter Lapchynski
The next release (in a few weeks, hopefully) will focus only on bug fixes and app-izing Electron to have only a single download (no git required).
We need your help testing for the next release. Please file your kudos, bugs, and requests here.
Thanks, Josh