Geeky Lego Crafts
Finally No Starch Press has made the LEGO book I've been waiting for. Geeky Lego Crafts: 21 Fun and Quirky Projects by David Scarfe is the perfect LEGO book for kids and adults. This nicely hardbound book covers a bunch of silly crafts from the decorative: ghosts, ducks, and Tetris kitchen magnets, to amusingly useful: floppy disk coasters, a key shaped key chain rack, and a flame shaped toast holder, among other quirky items. The photos are nice and the instructions are very clear.
I am a fan of No Starch's LEGO books in general, but a consistent flaw I've found is that they often require lots of small specialty bricks. The LEGO Christmas Ornaments book I recently reviewed, required a lot of small pieces that most people won't have in their collections; or at least not in the same color and quanity required to build the models. Geeky Lego Crafts, however, is different. Every model is built with standard bricks. This not only makes the models easier to build but also possible to constsruct with the average child's LEGO collection. Finally a book for all ages.
You can see below three models my 5yr old and I created. We ran out of yellow bricks for the duck so we substituted a few reds. I think it turned out great.
Buy or not buy? This is a great gift for any LEGO fan, even children. Get it on Amazon here.
Posted October 5th, 2016
Tagged: bookreview lego