Playing with Noise
May 12th, 2011
While I have many projects in progress right now, including Amino, Leonardo, getting the TouchPad out the door, and having my first baby (only a few weeks left!); every now and then I just get something into my head and have to code it out. Last night it was noise functions.
First Beta of Leonardo 1.0
April 26th, 2011
I've posted the first beta of Leonardo 1.0, ready for your testing pleasure. More details over on the
Josh's Quick Intro to RegEx
April 12th, 2011
You may be a new programmer, or a web designer, or just someone who's heard the word 'RegEx', and asked: What is a Regex? How do I use it? And why does it hurt my brain? Well, relax. The doctor is in. Here's two aspirin and some water.
Amino and Leonardo: Next Steps
April 11th, 2011
Another month has gone by with no update to Leonardo, or a real release of Amino. It's interesting how life changes. When I started this projects last summer I had no idea Jen and I would be having a baby in a month, nor did I truly have any notion how much my life would change. Everyone always says having children will change your life, but you never really understand it until you do it yourself, and our journey has just begun.
Amino 2: Buffering, Roadmap, and a New Domain
April 2nd, 2011
In today's post I'll dive into Amino's new buffering support. At then end we'll talk about new API docs for Amino, the roadmap, and request for help on a domain name.
Amino 2: Overall Design
March 14th, 2011
When redesigning Amino I had a few core goals. These goals are in place to guide the product and ensure we created something genuinely useful, and not become "yet another gfx lib".
Why 2014 Won't Be Like 1984
February 22nd, 2011
I've heard a lot of noise recently about these new fangled smartphones and tablets not replacing 'real computers', especially since the announcement of many new tablet products, including the HP TouchPad. That they are just expensive FaceBook machines. I've also heard people say that there's no room in the market for more devices: iOS and Android will take up the market and leave nothing for anyone else. It'll be just like the PC wars again!
Travel, Tablets, and Sleep
February 19th, 2011
I'm on the plane home from Mobile World Congress. It's been a heck of a couple of weeks. I've gotten some new coworkers, a new boss, announced our new products, showed off the new devices in Barcelona, and spread the word of webOS itself to anyone who will listen. I've got several blogs coming about what we've announced, some fun new demos, app speculation, and updates on my open source projects.
On the lateness of my writing
January 30th, 2011
It's been a while since I've written anything, especially anything other than the topics of Amino and Leonardo. While I rarely talk about my personal life on this site, I feel I should let you all know what's been going on, and how the next few months look.
My Best Photos of 2010
December 27th, 2010
Though engineering has always been a natural fit for my career, I have long wanted to be an artist. I suppose I'm not truly sure what it means to be an artist, but I still dabble, play, and learn. That seems to be enough.
Amino + Swing = Crazy Delicious
December 9th, 2010
For the past few months I've been working on an open source UI toolkit called Amino. It has lots of cool features like a scenegraph, CSS control skinning, and dynamic translation editing. You just have write your app in Amino and you get the cool stuff for free. But what if you have an existing Swing application and don't want to rewrite it? Don't worry, Amino's got you covered.
Leonardo needs a server side engineer
December 7th, 2010
We are making progress on the next release of Leonardo, an open source desktop Java drawing program. One of the key features scheduled for the next release is a webservice that lets users save and share reusable symbols they've created. For example, someone could create a set of GWT mockup widgets, then share this set with others.
December 1st, 2010
Below is a screenshot of a debugging app I've been working on called SideHatch. It essentially lets you open up your Amino app from the side and poke around at the innards.
Ruby Red is Here!
November 22nd, 2010
Ruby Red, the first full release of Leonardo Sketch is ready for download. Leonardo is a desktop open source drawing program written entirely in Java. In this first version of Leonardo, features include:
Back from Mars
November 21st, 2010
As I write this I'm flying home from New York City where we (Palm) threw an event known as the webOS Developer Day NYC. Really, we should have called it a party, due to the extreme fun and exhaustion we all experienced. But this post isn't really about the event, it's about the webOS developer community.
Did Open Sourcing Mozilla Matter?
November 9th, 2010
I finally watched Code Rush this weekend, a documentary about open sourcing mozilla and the sale of Netscape to AOL in the late 90s. There is no doubt that Netscape created the web as we know it. The web changed everything. But I wonder about Mozilla itself. Did open sourcing Mozilla really make a difference to it's success?
When Commented Out Code Attacks
November 5th, 2010
AKA: a Teachable Moment in Performance Tests, Profilers, and Debugging statements.
Leonardo Beta 2 is Not a Witch
November 3rd, 2010
When you go to the polls today shouldn't you make sure you have the support of a drawing program that will fight for your interests in Washington?
The Deprecation
November 3rd, 2010