Pixel Eater, a web based pixel art editor
June 8th, 2020
Every now and then I trumble around with building visual editors. Sometimes they are for vector graphics, sometimes raster. Sometimes for building GUIs, sometimes for editing JSON structures. These editors are almost always for fun and they never see the light of day. Why build a new editor when the world already has so many. Or at least that's what I tell myself.
Rust Browser 8: Next Steps
April 15th, 2020
At this point I’ve been working on the browser for over a month and I’ve learned a ton about Rust. Sadly, it’s time for me to stop. I’ve taken it about as far as I can.
Rust Browser 7: Rendering
April 13th, 2020
Rendering. The big payoff. This is where we actually get to see something drawn to the screen. This is where the mini-browser starts to feel real. It’s also where the code is straight forward and the hard part is picking the library.
Rust Browser 6: Layout
April 11th, 2020
Now we get to the big dramatic part of building a browser. Layout. Until now we’ve just had a tree of data. This is the part where we position actual rectangles and colors and text blocks. The part where we do line wrapping and worry about font sizes. This is the real deal! Let’s dive in.
Rust Browser 5: A Proper Tree Structure
April 8th, 2020
Styling in a browser is conceptually very simple. We’ve parsed the DOM into a tree structure of elements. We’ve parsed the CSS into a tree structure of rules.
Rust Browser 4: Type Madness
March 24th, 2020
I have greatly enjoyed the reliability of Rust so far, but a few things really annoy / mystify me. One is the type annotations. I understand that type annotations lets you say what type another type is defined in terms of. The common case is a vector of points, with something like:
Rust Browser Part 3: A Long Slog for Small Features
March 21st, 2020
I had hoped to be talking more about how to build a browser, but reality has intervened. It’s taken about a week, but the family is starting to calm down now and get used to the new normal of staying home. I’ve stocked up on supplies and prepped for exclusively working from home. Jesse is recovered from pink-eye and a cold, and we’ve scrubbed the house clean. Now all we can do is wait and try to help others as best we can.
Rust Browser Part 2: Parsers
March 14th, 2020
In the last part I talked about my motivations for building a new web browser / rendering engine in Rust. Today I'll tackle how I parse HTML and CSS.
Building a Rust Web Browser
March 10th, 2020
I have done something very foolish. I've started building a new web browser. From scratch. Not a new wrapper around Chromium or WebKit or Gecko. No, an actual new browser. Why have I done such a thing?!
Thoughts on the Hunger Games
March 3rd, 2020
In my side gig as a science fiction writer I'm trying to suss out the modern market. I grew up reading golden age sci-fi authors like Asimov and Heinlein. The are less than relevant today. When I was a kid YA (Young Adult) scifi/fantasy wasn't really a genre. Now it's dominated by modern blockbusters like Harry Potter and Divergent. So, if I'm to understand the modern market I should actually read some of this stuff. So that's why I read the first Hunger Games novel. Spoiler alert, I didn't like it but I do get it.
Thoughts on Build Systems
July 21st, 2019
thoughts on build systems
I'm rebuilding my HTML Canvas Deep Dive book so I need a way to compile various source files into a final thing. I'm not producing an executable but rather a directory full of generated HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and possibly some other stuff; but it's the same basic idea. I need to turn a collection of things into another collection of things. I need a build system. So which should I use?
Why I'm a Climate Change Optimist
July 15th, 2019
I'm optimistic about humanity's abillity to deal with climate change. I know that sounds ridiculous in the current political environment of the US, where one party can't agree on what to do and the other party denies that the problem even exists. But still I'm optimistic. Why? Because of the bomb.
I’m rewriting my book in HTML instead of Markdown. Here’s why.
June 28th, 2019
When you think of a book you probably think of prose. A bunch of paragraphs with section headers and chapter names, and perhaps a few illustrations. In short, you are thinking of a paper book. When I first wrote the HTML Canvas Deep Dive I was thinking along those lines as well, but I also wanted interactivity. What’s the point of having an educational book on the web if we can’t push the envelope a bit.
Canvas Book Reboot
June 25th, 2019
Some years ago I wrote a book called the HTML Canvas Deep Dive. To be truthful the writing was an accident. I taught a workshop four years in a row at OSCON, back when it was in Portland. Whenever I teach a workshop I want the students to have something to take away with them in case they don't finished, so I structure it as a series of lessons with hands on activities. Eventually I realized that if I simply called these chapters instead of lessons then I'd have a book on my hands. So that became the first release of HTML Canvas Deep Dive.
This Blog is Now Proudly Google Free
February 20th, 2019
I'm happy to announce that as of today there is no Google on my website. In fact, there is nothing loaded from any other domains than my own. No fonts, no images, and absolutely no trackers. Here's how I did it.
We All Make Mistakes
January 31st, 2019
I had the great pleasure to meet lots of dedicated engineers, researchers, and scientists at the W3C Immersive Web Working Group face to face meeting this week. This is the team dedicated to creating standards for mixed reality so that we can all enjoy future interactive content from the web-browser of our choice.
This is why DRM is a Bad Idea
January 29th, 2019
This is why DRM is a Bad Idea
Or, an attempt to exercise my digital rights, badly managed.
My 2018 Developer Relations Year in Review
January 15th, 2019
2018 was a pretty good year. Jesse loves 2nd grade, Jen earned a new car (her 10th?), and it marks my first full year at Mozilla. Professionally I feel like I’ve been all over the place. I’ve tried lots of new ways to reach people, some successful and others less so. The teams I serve are happy so I guess I’m doing things okay, but I want to prune in 2019. I want to stop doing things that have not been effective and double down on the things that seem interesting. 2019 should be a very interesting year for WebXR, but before we get to those plans, let’s review 2018.
Manga Guide to Cryptography
October 9th, 2018
The Manga Guide to Cryptography by Masaaki Mitani, Shinichi Sato, Idero Hinoki is a rather improbable book. Can you really teach crypto, a notably math heavy subject, through a graphic novel? The answer is: sorta.
Lego Power Functions Idea Books
October 6th, 2018
If you have a kid who loves Legos, or are a Lego nut who just loves Legos (or both, like me), then you know about the Technic line, a set of kits with motors and gears for building crazy contraptions. My son and I both love them.