Marketing Your Open Source Project on a Shoestring Budget
August 5th, 2010
Over the years I've worked on a lot of open source projects. I've also worked on quite a few commercial projects. What a lot of them have in common is the need to market themselves to developers, but without any marketing budget. When I worked on JFXStudio my budget was 20$ a month from my own pocket.
UI Design Assets and Tools
April 28th, 2010
20th century advertising has taught us to associate quality artwork and polish with quality products. Given two apps that do the same thing, a potential customer will pick the one that looks and feels better. This means every great app needs great art. Since most developers aren't artists or designers by trade, I've assembled a list of resources that can help. Here are icons, fonts, sounds, color schemes, and other great art assets to help you make your app stand out from the crowd.
Typography 101
December 3rd, 2009
Typography is the study of
Color 101
October 25th, 2009
Color is important. We see in color. Different colors make us feel different ways, or remember different things. Most companies take their colors very seriously. Coca-Cola red is trademarked color. Pantone has copyrighted their color sets. The Brits feel it necessary to add an extra letter to their colours. Color is powerful but also dangerous. One false step and your carefully crafted website could look like this.