webOS on The Verge
June 6th, 2012
I'm not sure I'll ever be ready to tell everything about my time at Palm. Certainly not now. Perhaps in a novel or an 8bit video game, one day. I don't know. I really enjoyed my time there and made wonderful friends. It was also two straight years of frustration. For now I suggest you read The Verge's excellent in-depth article on the 31 months from Palm's 2009 CES debut to the end of the platform (and possible rebirth?). After you read it come back to compare notes. Below are some inaccuracies or clarifications based on my own recollection of events. Think of it as directors commentary if the director was forced to sit in the back and watch through a 3 inch screen.
HTML Canvas : an Interactive Travelogue
March 12th, 2012
As you know, I've been doing a lot of ebook prototyping lately. Ever since the iBooks 2 announcement I've had this idea stuck in my head that we can make rich interactive ebooks using nothing but web technology. That lead to the toolkit I've been working on, now open sourced on github. As the first thing written with that toolkit I'm proud to announce my first interactive book: HTML Canvas, a Travelogue.
End of an Era
February 29th, 2012
The past two years have been a hell of a fun ride, but alas it must come to an end. It is with sadness but no regret that I must announce Friday will be my last day at HP / Palm. This was a very difficult decision to make. I have enjoyed my time here and after seeing the webOS roadmap I'm very excited for it's future, but it is time for me to do something else.
HP to Open Source webOS
December 9th, 2011
Today the other shoe dropped. Fortunately it was a soft slipper, not the steel toed boot to the head I had feared. HP is open sourcing webOS.
This gives me a sad
October 25th, 2011
Java + SDL + Avian + webOS = Magically Delicious
August 31st, 2011
Mmmwaa haa haa. It lives! I've gotten Java to run on webOS natively with a new set of Java SDL bindings. That means it just *might* time to start a new project. Read on for how it works and how you could help.
webOS Canvas Improvements for the HP TouchPad
August 5th, 2011
Hot on the heels of my Canvas talk at OSCON (which went very well. Much thanks to everyone who attended), I've put up a post on the developer blog about the great new Canvas stuff in webOS 3.0. Most importantly, speed has been doubled for certain drawing operations! I'm very proud of the graphics team here at Palm.
Boom. It's Action Time
July 1st, 2011
The TouchPad is on it's way to stores, the catalog is full of apps, and Jesse finally went to sleep. It is done.
Palm Dev Days Recovery
April 27th, 2010
I'm writing this from a hotel room in SunnyVale, recovering from the tremendous event we put on for our dedicated developers at Palm's first ever webOS developer event last Friday and Saturday. The turnout was great. Over 100 developers paid their own money to drive, fly, and chopper in to Palm HQ. I taught an intro to webOS session for the entire first day, then answered questions and attended sessions the second. Topping it all with dinner at a local brew pub was a splendid idea.
webOS, the OS built from the web
April 15th, 2010
There's been a ton of talk lately about several mobile operating systems and their problems, such as language restrictions, fragmentation, and anti-competitive practices. It's never a good idea to talk bad about your competition, so I'll take this opportunity to simply say a few things about the webOS (the OS that powers Palm's Pre and Pixi phones) that you might not know.
Palm Developer Day and OSCON
April 9th, 2010
A big part of my new job at Palm is education, in the form of tutorials, blogs, and of course speaking at conferences. Two new speaking engagements have recently come up. Palm Developer Day and OSCON. Read on for details.