Bridging the Gap: Auctioning off my webOS Collection to Fight Cancer
August 25th, 2013
Hi. My name is Josh Marinacci. You might remember me from the webOS Developer Relations team. Despite what happened under HP, webOS is still my favorite operating system. It still has the best features of any OS and an amazing group of dedicated, passionate fans. I deeply cherish the two years I spent traveling the world telling everyone about the magic of webOS.
I threw the blog away, again.
August 24th, 2013
After over a year of living with my custom built blog system I'd finally had enough last weekend. Time for something new. Something less buggy. Something extensible. So I took a day and rewrote it from scratch.
My Books, Writings, and Videos
August 23rd, 2013
I have written countless articles and blogs, spoken at many developer conferences, and written three books. This is a sample of my work.
Me, My Books, and My Code
August 22nd, 2013
I am Josh Marinacci: manager, developer advocate, software engineer, researcher, usability expert, and general miscreant. I have a passion for great user experiences. I live in Oregon with my wife and kiddo. I'm currently helping to keep the Web open and free at Mozilla. I also write bad sci-fi short stories.
SparqEE's Cell: Add GSM Data to Anything.
August 20th, 2013
SparqEE's Cell is a just launched Kickstarter project to build a GSM data module ready to integrate with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or any other embedded hardware kit. In addition to the cellular board they are also offering SIM cards with discount data service; a first in the projects I've looked at.
Plaid is the New Flat
August 12th, 2013
So I been thinking. Design comes in waves. First it was page curls and drop shadows. Then came glossy buttons and wet floors, followed by shiny badges and rough textures. Today 'flat' is the leading trend in UI design. It certainly defines the look of Web ’13. Even Apple has jumped on the bandwagon. But what comes next? Where do we go from here? Whither 2014?
Functional Reactive Programming with Bacon.js
June 7th, 2013
Lately I've been experimenting with Functional Reactive Programming, or FRP. There are several good libraries to use FRP with Javascript. I chose Bacon.js. I'm finding FRP to be very useful but hard to understand.
Concise Computing: a PNG Parser in 20 lines
March 18th, 2013
By what standard should we measure if code is "beautiful"? I argue it should be not lines or speed, but rather conciseness and clarity. Can someone who is not familiar with the language still understand what the algorithm does? Can someone not familiar with the task still get a feel for how it works? This metric favors shorter code over longer, but not at the expense of readability. Beautiful code should be as close to expressing the underlying algorithm as possible. How close is the actual code to the most straight forward pseudo code?
A Magically Delicious Wordprocessor with OMeta
March 5th, 2013
I've always wanted a magic wordprocessor. Something that helps me organize my thoughts and build ideas organically, rather than spend all of my time worrying about formatting. Something for the internet / cloud age. Given that Microsoft Word hasn't fundamentally changed in over a decade (or possibly two), we aren't likely to get such software from them. Instead, I decided to play around with some ideas using my new favorite programming tool: OMeta.
Improved Easing Functions
March 1st, 2013
Animation is just moving something over time. The rate at which the something moves is defined by a function called an easing equation or interpolation function. It is these equations which make something move slowly at the start and speed up, or slow down near the end. These equations give animation a more life like feel. The most common set of easing equations come from Robert Penner's book and webpage.
Make Libraries More
February 13th, 2013
Software Libraries are good. They allow abstraction and encapsulation; which encourages reuse. They also allow the library to be written by one person and used by another. This is reuse at the programmer level, not just the system level. A library can be written by a person who has domain expertise but used by someone else who has less or no expertise in that domain. For example: an XML parser. The implementer knows the XML spec inside and out, but the user of the lib needs only a basic understanding of XML in order to use the lib.
Why should children learn math?
February 6th, 2013
In my hunt for what's next I've been reading a lot of books lately. A lot of books. As part of my search I decided to hunt down some of the classics in the computer science field that I'd missed over the years. First articles, then research papers, and some Alan Kay work. That led me to a book I'd always meant to read but never found the time: Mindstorms, by Seymour Papert.
Review: Practical Computer Vision
February 5th, 2013
The idea of computer vision has always fascinated me. The ability to get from a plain image to an understanding of it's contents seems magical. Though I understand a bit of the underlying math, to build my own computer vision system would take years of study. Fortunately, this book and an open source library come to the rescue.
OSCON 2013 Ideas
January 28th, 2013
Below are my three main session proposals for OSCON, plus a few random ideas near the bottom that aren't fleshed out. Please give me some feedback on what you like and don't like. My goal is to have four really solid submissions. Thanks!
OSCON 2013: What do you want to see?
January 7th, 2013
The call for proposals for OSCON 2013 just went out. OSCON is the one conference I try to speak at every year because the topics are so diverse and interesting. And being just up the road in Portland doesn't hurt either. However, I'm having trouble deciding what to submit. Too many things interest me. So I thought I'd consult the wisdom of the crowd. What do you want to see?
Super Christmas Adventure
December 24th, 2012
Much like a painter or musician, sometimes I an idea
forms in my head and will not let me rest until it comes
out. Usually such an idea is an algorithm or graphics
demo, but this time it came in the form of a game;
a game which will not quiet until born.
The Unofficial Lego Technic Builder's Guide
December 19th, 2012
Most book publishers don't really have a 'brand'. You buy a book because of the title or the author. No one cares who Stephen King's publisher is. However, every now and then a publisher comes along who simply makes cool books. A publisher who's books I will buy regardless of the title or author. No Starch Press is one such publisher.
I have declared Internet Bankruptcy
December 18th, 2012
Last night I declared Internet Bankruptcy.